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Goodsides Managed Studio Services: Your FAQs Answered
Goodsides Managed Studio Services: Your FAQs Answered

Where we dive into the Goodsides' Managed Studio offering.

Joseph Letke avatar
Written by Joseph Letke
Updated over a week ago

Q1: What are Goodsides Managed Studio services?

Goodsides Managed Studio is a comprehensive solution that empowers healthcare organizations to create high-impact video content without the complexities and overhead of building an in-house production facility.

Q2: Do I need to have my own studio to use your services?

No, you don't need a full-fledged in-house studio. We offer flexible solutions that integrate with your existing A/V capabilities and resources.

Q3: What if I already have a videographer under contract?

Our Managed Studio approach is designed to be collaborative. We can work alongside your existing videographer, augmenting their capabilities and ensuring a seamless production process.

Q4: What kind of engagement models do you offer?

We offer flexible engagement models tailored to your specific needs and budget:

  • Hybrid Models: We integrate with your existing resources for a cost-effective solution.

  • Set-Duration Engagements: Choose from 6-month, 1-year, or 2-year terms with clear milestones and deliverables.

Q5: What are the key benefits of Goodsides Managed Studio?

Our Managed Studio service offers several key advantages:

  • High-Quality Storytelling: Access to experienced professionals specializing in healthcare narratives.

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Avoid the high costs of building and maintaining an in-house studio.

  • Scalability: Easily scale your video production capabilities as needed.

  • Flexibility: Choose from various service options and engagement models to fit your budget and goals.

  • Measurable Results: Track and measure the impact of your video content to optimize your strategy.

Q6: What services are included in the Managed Studio offering?

Our services encompass the entire video production process:

  • Strategic Planning: Develop a comprehensive video storytelling strategy aligned with your brand and goals. This includes identifying key performance indicators (KPIs), defining target audiences, and creating a content calendar.

    • Potential voice search query: How do I create a video strategy for my healthcare organization?

  • Content Creation: Handle all aspects of production, from concept to final delivery. This covers scriptwriting, storyboarding, filming, editing, motion graphics, and sound design.

    • Potential voice search query: What are the steps involved in healthcare video production?

  • Distribution and Promotion: Ensure your videos reach the right audience through targeted strategies. This involves optimizing for social media platforms, search engines (SEO), and other relevant digital channels.

    • Potential voice search query: Where should I share my healthcare videos online?

    • Potential voice search query: How do I get my healthcare videos to show up on Google?

  • Analytics and Reporting: Provide detailed insights into the performance of your videos, including views, engagement, and conversions. We will leverage tools like Google Analytics and social media analytics to track your success.

Q7: What are some key terms I should know?

A/V Capabilities: Refers to your organization's existing audio and video equipment and resources, including cameras, microphones, lighting, editing software, and any in-house personnel with video production skills.

Analytics and Reporting: The process of tracking and measuring the performance of your video content to gain insights into its effectiveness and optimize your strategy.

Content Calendar: A strategic plan that outlines the types of videos you'll create, the topics they'll cover, and when they'll be published.

Digital Channels: Various online platforms and channels where you can distribute and promote your video content, including social media, websites, email marketing, and paid advertising.

Distribution and Promotion: The process of getting your videos in front of the right audience through targeted strategies on various digital channels.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. In the realm of video storytelling, KPIs could include views, engagement rates, social shares, website traffic, lead generation, or even patient conversions.

Managed Services: A model where a third-party provider (like Goodsides) manages and delivers specific services or solutions on behalf of a client, allowing them to leverage expertise and resources without the need for in-house investment or management.

Motion Graphics: Animated graphics or text elements that enhance the visual appeal and storytelling in your videos.

  • Potential voice search query: How can I use animation in my healthcare videos?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The practice of optimizing your video content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Social Media Platforms: Online communities and networks where users can create and share content, interact, and engage with brands.

  • Potential voice search query: Which social media platforms are best for healthcare videos?

Sound Design: The creation and implementation of all audio elements in your video, including music, sound effects, and voiceovers.

  • Potential voice search query: How important is sound in healthcare videos?

Storyboarding: A visual representation of your video's key scenes and shots, aiding in pre-production planning and visualization.

Strategic Planning: The process of developing a comprehensive video storytelling strategy aligned with your brand, mission, and target audience.

Target Audiences: The specific groups of people you want to reach with your marketing message. Understanding their demographics, interests, and pain points is crucial.

Turnkey Solution: A complete, ready-to-use solution that requires minimal setup or management from the client.

Ready to Elevate Your Healthcare Storytelling?

Contact us today to explore how Goodsides Managed Studio can empower your organization to create impactful video content and achieve your communication goals.

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