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How to Effectively Use the Goodsides Pitch Template in Your Organization
How to Effectively Use the Goodsides Pitch Template in Your Organization

Proven to garner executive buy-in during the early stages.

Joseph Letke avatar
Written by Joseph Letke
Updated over a week ago

We are excited to provide you with the Goodsides Pitch Template, a tailored document designed to help you secure internal approval for engaging with Goodsides' professional video production services.

This guide will walk you through how to access, customize, and effectively use the template to showcase the potential benefits of our video services to your key stakeholders.

Accessing the Pitch Template

The Goodsides Pitch Template is accessible via the following Google Docs link: Goodsides Pitch Template. Since the document is set to "View Only," you will need to make a copy in your Google Drive to edit and customize it:

  1. Open the link.

  2. Click "File" in the top menu.

  3. Select "Make a copy" from the dropdown menu.

  4. Save it in your Google Drive with a unique name relevant to your proposal needs.

Customizing the Template

Modify the Placeholder Text:

Replace placeholders such as [Recipient’s Name], [Your Name], and [Your Position] with specific details relevant to your situation. Tailor the content to align closely with your organization's needs and the specifics of the project you are proposing.

Incorporate Relevant Data and Examples:

Use specific examples and quantitative data where possible to strengthen your case. Highlight previous successes with video projects, particularly those relevant to the audience segments your organization targets.

Strategic Sharing

Identifying the Audience:

Determine who in your organization needs to see this proposal to make a decision. Typically, this would include:

  • Senior executives who can authorize spending and strategic initiatives.

  • Heads of departments that would benefit from enhanced video communications, such as Marketing, Training, or Corporate Communications.

  • Financial officers responsible for budget approvals.

Tailoring the Communication:

Customize your approach based on the stakeholder:

  • For executives, focus on ROI and the strategic alignment with organizational goals.

  • For marketing heads, emphasize the potential for increased engagement and brand visibility.

  • For finance, detail the cost savings compared to other alternatives and the fixed NTE rates.

Effective Presentation Tips

Schedule a Meeting:

Instead of just sending the template via email, schedule a brief meeting or presentation to go through the proposal. This allows you to address questions immediately and gauge reactions.

Prepare for Objections:

Anticipate potential concerns or objections and prepare responses. Include additional backup data or case studies that can help reinforce your points.

Follow Up:

After your presentation, follow up with the stakeholders to offer further clarifications and to keep the proposal top of mind.

This persistence can often be key in securing approval.

Last Minute Reminders

By utilizing the Goodsides Pitch Template effectively, you can enhance your internal advocacy for adopting professional video production services.

Remember, a well-prepared and well-presented pitch can significantly influence the decision-making process and help secure the necessary approvals to move forward with your video production initiatives.

Feel free to revisit the template and guide as needed, and good luck with your pitch!

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