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What is Voice Search and How Does it Impact Video Production and Video Marketing?
What is Voice Search and How Does it Impact Video Production and Video Marketing?
Joseph Letke avatar
Written by Joseph Letke
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Voice Search

Voice search is the use of spoken language to query search engines or digital assistants like Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa.

It's a rapidly growing trend, driven by the increasing popularity of smartphones and smart speakers. In fact, studies show that over 50% of all searches are now conducted via voice.

Voice Search vs. Traditional Text Search

Voice searches differ from traditional text searches in a few key ways:

  • Natural Language Queries: Voice searches tend to be longer and more conversational, mimicking how we speak in real life. For instance, instead of typing "best restaurants near me," a voice search might be "Hey Siri, where's a good Italian restaurant nearby?"

  • Local Intent: Many voice searches have a local intent, such as finding nearby businesses or services. People often use voice search when they're on the go and need immediate information.

  • Question-Based Queries: Voice searches are often phrased as questions, such as:

"How do I fix a leaky faucet?" or "What's the weather like today?"

"What are the symptoms of the flu?"

"How do I do a proper push-up?"

"What's the best way to relieve a headache?"

"Can yoga help with back pain?"

How Voice Search Impacts Video Production and Marketing

For video producers and marketers, voice search presents both challenges and opportunities.

  • Challenges:

    • Keyword Optimization: Optimizing for voice search requires targeting longer, more conversational keywords and phrases.

    • Content Structure: Video content needs to be structured in a way that answers common questions clearly and concisely.

    • Metadata: Video titles, descriptions, and tags need to be optimized for voice search queries.

  • Opportunities:

    • Increased Visibility: Optimizing for voice search can help your videos appear in more search results, increasing their reach and visibility.

    • Enhanced Engagement: Voice search often leads to more engaged users, as they're actively seeking information or solutions.

    • Improved User Experience: Providing video content that answers common voice search queries can improve the user experience and build trust

Optimizing Your Videos for Voice Search

To ensure your videos are easily found through voice search, use natural, conversational language throughout your content.

This means focusing on those longer, everyday phrases people would actually say when asking a question.

Think about common questions your audience might have and structure your videos to answer them clearly and directly. Make sure your titles and descriptions reflect this conversational tone too, avoiding any awkward keyword stuffing. And finally, don't forget those transcripts and captions! They not only make your videos more accessible but also give search engines valuable clues about your content.

Important Note: If your videos are relevant to a specific area, sprinkle in some location-based terms to help people nearby find you when they're searching on the go.


Voice search is revolutionizing the way people interact with search engines and digital assistants. For video producers and marketers, this presents a unique opportunity to reach a wider audience and engage with users in a more meaningful way.

Remember: By adapting your video production and marketing strategies to align with voice search trends, you'll not only stay ahead of the curve but also connect with your audience in a more authentic and impactful way.

Contact Goodsides today to start making your past, present, and future videos more voice-search friendly.

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